There are a number of wage laws set by the state and federal governments. Most employees know these laws, rules, and regulations and assume that the government automatically protects them. However, having laws set in place does not alone prove anything. You might still be a victim of wage theft and not even realize it.
Unfortunately, not all employers uphold the law. They are often found prioritizing their profit over the rights of their employees. If you suspect your employer has been violating the wage law, you should first speak to a legal expert from Hayber, McKenna, & Dinsmore and learn about your options.
Top ways employers violate the wage law
Failing to pay the minimum wage.
The minimum wage is the starting biographypark and lowest remuneration employers must pay their workers, and paying less than that is illegal. If someone is not offering you the lowest wage, you can make a legal complaint and sue them. The federal and state government outlines the amount for minimum wage. For example, the minimum wage in Connecticut is $14.00 per hour, almost double the federal minimum wage of $7.25.
Misclassifying employees.
Misclassifying employee is a huge problem in the United States, where employers classify workers as independent contractors when they should be classified as employees. Another similar case is when an employer is exempted from overtime wages when they are entitled to them. While this is an honest mistake in some cases, some employers do this to steal wages from their employees for their flowerstips gain.
Failing to pay for all hours worked.
If your employment contract states that you are entitled to a specific amount for every hour you work, then your employer must pay you for each hour. It would be illegal for them to leave out the payment of even one hour. However, sometimes employees do not make these payments fairly and do not pay their employees for all the hours they have worked.
Failing to relieve employees from duty during break time.
Employees work for hours and deserve a break during which they are relieved from all work duties. There are different types of breaks, such as rest breaks, lunch breaks, lactation accommodations, etc. The Connecticut law outlines the length of rest breaks to which employees with different shifts are entitled. It is noteworthy that only nonexempt employees are entitled to these break times.
If you suspect your employer is ₹100 inr giveaway sports guru pro blog violating one of these wage laws, you need an attorney. Contact one today.